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New Sticky Topic Sticky: 發問專區版務專用區  cobrachen 14 11638 10/23/2022  08:39:17
by: 冗丙 Jump to Last Post
Topic Locked Sticky: MDC發問專區管理規章草案全文  cobrachen 0 5907 07/03/2007  02:11:00
by: cobrachen Jump to Last Post
New Topic A-10攻擊機的流言  puppyoliver 7 475 07/27/2024  08:07:20
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
New Topic SMAW火箭筒的「輔助瞄準槍」為何沒被其他火箭筒採用?  puppyoliver 10 858 07/27/2024  05:45:43
by: Reinherd Von Hwang提督 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 電動越野三輪車的軍事用途?  小毛 22 693 07/16/2024  16:20:56
by: cph0516 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 印度的米格21與LCA  張忠石 14 4169 07/16/2024  14:01:22
by: kmleu Jump to Last Post
New Topic 彈匣的防彈力  慎.中野 15 2995 07/15/2024  19:53:31
by: puppyoliver Jump to Last Post
New Topic 天弓三的尋標器還能用來做什麼?  小毛 7 698 06/16/2024  08:10:03
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
New Topic 就現代而言~巨砲還算戰略或攻擊性兵器嗎?  閒遊之人 18 5025 06/15/2024  03:34:53
by: puppyoliver Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic 俄國的鎗榴彈 
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Reinherd Von Hwang提督 79 11156 06/13/2024  09:15:20
by: Reinherd Von Hwang提督 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 76砲的3A plus fuse可不可以給五吋砲砲彈使用?  小毛 7 504 05/11/2024  05:10:09
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
New Topic 單主旋翼直升機如何避免尾槳在高空失控?  puppyoliver 1 175 05/05/2024  07:46:55
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic 由俄烏戰爭看除地雷的方法 
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小毛 69 4285 04/29/2024  10:51:24
by: cph0516 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic 用.30機槍全面取代 國軍陸軍.50機槍的可行性 
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oneeast00 151 22093 04/28/2024  14:48:13
by: chingwei64 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 甲車外面要加掛什麼?  小毛 4 373 04/28/2024  12:01:25
by: cph0516 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 為啥V-22不用同軸反轉螺旋槳?  閒遊之人 4 459 04/10/2024  13:15:50
by: davidboy Jump to Last Post
New Topic M110 
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syausky 42 11307 04/02/2024  23:05:44
by: puppyoliver Jump to Last Post
New Topic 戰列艦主炮問題 
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阿愣 30 4520 03/24/2024  07:45:02
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
New Topic T-72戰車的實車導覽  puppyoliver 1 440 03/16/2024  23:34:00
by: oneeast00 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 陀螺儀的精度怎麼轉換成CEP?  puppyoliver 10 709 03/08/2024  10:23:40
by: davidboy Jump to Last Post
New Topic RQ-16無人機為何停產?  puppyoliver 2 376 03/08/2024  10:01:59
by: davidboy Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic IFV 的概念是不是一開始就是錯的? 
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bystand 99 25884 03/04/2024  11:45:21
by: 閒遊之人 Jump to Last Post
New Topic 海上裝填飛彈時,怎麼處理用過的發射筒?  puppyoliver 1 363 03/02/2024  09:10:33
by: 閒遊之人 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic 核武的開發難度? 
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MKMAN200 95 14545 02/28/2024  04:02:02
by: puppyoliver Jump to Last Post
New Topic HEMTT能否運輸戰車?  puppyoliver 3 426 02/27/2024  08:04:37
by: waffe Jump to Last Post
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