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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mi-28 Posted - 02/25/2011 : 10:38:45


25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bryan C Posted - 03/09/2011 : 12:36:51
Originally posted by dasha

Originally posted by ¨h¦Ð


¤p§Ì¸I¹L®³iPhone»Pµsª©MS Office(for Windows)¨Ó°Ý«ç¼Ë¦biPhone¤W¨Ï¥Îªº¤H......


For Excel, Access and Visio, I don't have the certificate, but have stuff on USB flash drive ready to prove beyond a doubt that I can do those "low level" clerical word processing, spread sheets and charts stuff---being doing those things since Word Perfect, Lotus 123 and Dbase 2 era while I was in high school....

More than one time I fixed the interviewer's computer on the spot and got the job.....
¨h¦Ð Posted - 03/08/2011 : 14:30:21

















¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡X¡XAlexis de Tocqueville
SK2 Posted - 03/08/2011 : 14:27:49
Originally posted by dasha

The evil M$ empire has created many courses with many certificates to turn you to an "expert" after attending those courses, which "proves" your ability officially.

In reality, we all know...

Only champagne produced in Champagne can be called as champagne. Non-Champagne champagnes aren't real champagnes.
dasha Posted - 03/08/2011 : 14:18:11

dasha Posted - 03/08/2011 : 14:10:46
Originally posted by ¨h¦Ð


¤p§Ì¸I¹L®³iPhone»Pµsª©MS Office(for Windows)¨Ó°Ý«ç¼Ë¦biPhone¤W¨Ï¥Îªº¤H......

¨h¦Ð Posted - 03/08/2011 : 13:50:00


¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡X¡XAlexis de Tocqueville
Snap Posted - 03/08/2011 : 13:44:03
Originally posted by BlueWhaleMoon

¤ý«Ø煊¸t¤H¯u¸Ó¬Ý¬ÝBryan C¥Sªº¸g¾ú.


von_Guo Posted - 03/08/2011 : 13:28:44
>>> ...also means I missed out on all the activities after school. <<<

This can miss out on drugs, alcohol, fool-around, self-indulgence ... etc too

Life is a trade-off. You gain something and you lose something. All depends on which you choose.
dasha Posted - 03/08/2011 : 10:20:19
Originally posted by BlueWhaleMoon

¤ý«Ø煊¸t¤H¯u¸Ó¬Ý¬ÝBryan C¥Sªº¸g¾ú.


Bryan C Posted - 03/08/2011 : 08:36:55
It's really nothing, all the kids in America were doing the same----since teenagers only make the minimum wage due to they don't have any work experiences at all. US also check on the number of hours teenagers younger than 18 can work, and you have to have work permit from school district each year in order to get any job, during school year and summer vacation period.

As for my time as forced child labor in Taiwan, from first grade to 2nd year of junior high, there's some good things too---I got to stay with my grandmother(mother side) and she pretty much let me stay up late----and was able to enjoy and watched "Star Trek" at 10pm(few years later became Battlestar Galactica series) , with late night snacks and candies, and got to sleep-in on weekends (usually had to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning to do the works around the house and farm, on weekends she let us sleep until 7am). She didn't watch TV much, so I got the TV to all myself. Back in my house, just 2 TV for 3 kids and parents and grandma, uncle and his wife, and kids never win in the adult's TV battles.....

The fast food restaurants offering half price meals for employees and free meal for good performances, it was required to eat the discounted or free meal right at the restaurant, and can only have 1 such meal per day. But we usually took it home---I didn't get to eat much of the food in the restaurant, because my sisters loved those foods and I had to sneak the meals home. Back then we were trying to save money to buy the first home in US, with cash. So my mom was happy that we kids able to help out with the cash flow while we looked for the house on the market. For the same reason, we didn't go out for dining much. So the discounted or free meal from the restaurant was very much sought after by my sisters, while I ate my dinner at home---free breakfast and free lunch taken care of at school where I worked.

But spending all that time working in high school also means I missed out on all the activities after school. Didn't even bother to get SAT cram sessions in 10th and 11th grade, but still got high enough score....
BlueWhaleMoon Posted - 03/08/2011 : 03:48:04
¤ý«Ø煊¸t¤H¯u¸Ó¬Ý¬ÝBryan C¥Sªº¸g¾ú.
Bryan C Posted - 03/06/2011 : 11:46:57
Also US fast food restaurants, they usually offer 1/2 price food for employees, and some offers all you can drink free soda. They also reward hard working employees with free food vouchers. Most of the fast food chain restaurants aren't directly own by the company, but franchisee that might own 5-20+ of the same chain fast food restaurants in the area/state. To ensure that employees and managers doing a good job, those franchisee company would send out "secret shoppers", people posing as regular customers that will visit those fast food restaurants and gives reviews on food quality, customer service, speed, cleanliness of dining area, bathrooms, parking lots, drive through service speed, ect....

So usually which employee got named in the secret shopper's review will be rewarded if doing 100%, and would need to be re-trained if getting less than 85%. So one time I got called in to the manager's office, a tiny office really. In there was the store general manager, manager on duty, district manager, and the franchisee owner. Turned out few days ago the restaurant was visited by a secret shopper that made 2 trips, one for the dining-in area, the other was going through drive through. I remember that day because we were shorthanded that night and I had to do several jobs in the same time. So when the secret shopper gave her reviews for both visits, she gave 100% on all area---cleanliness of dining room, bathroom, parking lot, customer service, speed, food quality, drive through customer service, food quality and speed. When the general manager of the store pulled the roster from that day and time and employee's assigned area/station---my name came up on all of them----I was the only employee working at that time since 2 others were on their lunch break. So I had to clean the dining area, stocking up the salad bar, bathroom, parking area, making burgers, french fries and fried station, specialty station, cashier and drive through cashier.....

So the store manager was going to pay me off with 10 free meal vouchers, but the district manager and the owner said no, one station means 10 free meals, and I covered by myself 8+ stations that night. So I got 100 free meals vouchers that day, got employee of the month picture taken, got a raise, and got few free stuff.

And I didn't have to pay for my meal for almost 4 months......
Bryan C Posted - 03/06/2011 : 11:25:37
US encourages their children to work at a young age. Kids as young as 7 or 8 years old can start doing paper route----delivery of newspaper in the morning. By age 14 or 16(depends on states), they can work during school nights and limits to working about 30 hours a week, and 40 hours during summer vacation. This way, parent doesn't have to give allowance to the kids, and the kids gets working experiences, can pay for their own car insurance and gas money. Parents might give the kids second hand family car when the kids turn 16, but after that, the kids has to pay everything, from maintenance, insurance, gas, ect....

In high school, I held 3 part time jobs in the same time---delivering 120 newspapers in the morning(means getting up at 4am in the morning 7 days a week, 365 days a year), go to high school to work in the cafeteria for the morning, mid-day brunch, and lunch(and got pay, and with free breakfast, brunch and lunch that usually has to be eaten in an hurry in 10 minutes). Then after school go to work at those fast food restaurants. Pretty much paid the apartment rent by myself every month. My older sister did the same thing and she pay for the utility bills, phone, cable TV, and food.

In Taiwan, we had maids and all that to work around the house. I won't say we are upper class, but pretty much middle-upper class. But after moving to US while dad still working in Taiwan, relatives in US told my mom to raise us as American kids, so we worked our asses off----but I'm used to it, since my grandmas were all farmers, so we had to help them during summer since 1st grade, picking jasmine flowers in the afternoon--right after attending those hated summer schools of Taiwan; feed the pigs, chickens and ducks in the early morning and late afternoon, picking fruits and produces for the rest of the time---just that we didn't get pay any when used as abused child labors.....
BlueWhaleMoon Posted - 03/06/2011 : 02:32:17
Originally posted by rockitten

Originally posted by su37


they have social welfare.........

The social welfare of US is very limited to young group.
Bryan C Posted - 03/05/2011 : 12:56:34
No, very rare.


I only know of Asian ¨È¸Ç®a®x do that. All the others---let the kids themselves pay off the student loans in 20-30 years. But these are the low interest loans, usually the last loans those students wants to payoff----they will pay off credit cards debts and home mortgage loans first.....
rockitten Posted - 03/05/2011 : 12:54:18
Originally posted by su37


they have social welfare.........

A B ¸É¤g¥Õ½¦±ø¡A¾ð¯×§ï®M»k¨è¤ù¡F¥W½u¥Y½u¥W¥Y½u¡A°®¿i¤ô¿i¾V¤M¿i¡F
su37 Posted - 03/05/2011 : 12:00:35
Originally posted by Bryan C

No, it's due to student loans that changed everything in 1960s for American families. Before, it was rich parents sending their rich kids to college, or the government/military paying college tuition through GI Bill for military vets, or those students willing to work and put themselves through school. The student loan programs changed that, and add another debt(low interest rate, but still debt) that those students need to pay after graduation, but not while in school. Most of the Asian/Chinese parents would've pay the kid's college education themselves, but some found a creative way to save some money. Some Asian families figured out to take out a lot of student loans when their kids are in college to pay for college/university costs. Then when the kids graduate and need to start paying back the student loans, those parents pay it off in one payment, so no interest is paid. This way, the parents made about 4-6 years worth of interests....

³o¸Ìªºasian family«üªº¬O¦b¬ü°êªº¨È¸Ç®a®x§a?
Bryan C Posted - 03/05/2011 : 11:44:48
No, it's due to student loans that changed everything in 1960s for American families. Before, it was rich parents sending their rich kids to college, or the government/military paying college tuition through GI Bill for military vets, or those students willing to work and put themselves through school. The student loan programs changed that, and add another debt(low interest rate, but still debt) that those students need to pay after graduation, but not while in school. Most of the Asian/Chinese parents would've pay the kid's college education themselves, but some found a creative way to save some money. Some Asian families figured out to take out a lot of student loans when their kids are in college to pay for college/university costs. Then when the kids graduate and need to start paying back the student loans, those parents pay it off in one payment, so no interest is paid. This way, the parents made about 4-6 years worth of interests....
su37 Posted - 03/04/2011 : 13:25:43
BlueWhaleMoon Posted - 03/04/2011 : 12:50:24
¬ü°êNEET¤£¬O¤j°ÝÃD. ¦]¬°¤÷¥À¤£·|¨º»ò"ª÷´©"
su37 Posted - 03/04/2011 : 12:38:51
SleeplessPrometheus Posted - 03/03/2011 : 11:59:23
Originally posted by dasha

Visio¤§Ãþªº°O±o¬OOffice XP¥H«á¤~®e©ö¦bOffice¥]¤¤§ä¨ì,«Ü¦h¾Ç®Õ¥u©È¨S¦³¸Ë§a?ÁÙ¦³¨Ç¬ü¤uªº¥ÎMac¤]¬O¨S³o­Ó,Mac¤W¦³¨ä¥L¤u¨ã°µ¦P¼Ëªº¨Æ±¡,¨ìWindows¤W¥L­Ì·|¥ÎPowerpoint°µ´N¤£¿ù¤F......¤p§Ì¤]¬O¦b2004¦~¤¤¤ß­n·h¾E®É¤~¾ÇVisioªº,Access¨ì²{¦bÁÙ¨S¾÷·|¾Ç......


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µM«á¥t¥~¤@­Ó¦«ºÖªº¨Æ¬O....¦«µL¦W¤p¯¸»P¦Û©çªººÖ¡A²{¦b·|¥ÎPhotoshopªº²¦·~¥ÍÅܦh¤F¡A¥h¦~¦b«e¤½¥q¬Ý§O¤H¦b­±½Í«ÈªAªº®É«á¡A¬Ý¨ìªº­è²¦·~ªº¤k¥Í­Ó­Ó±Mªø¤W³£¬O¦³¶ñ Photoshop................=.=



³sWindows Server³£¤£·|³]AD¡A¥h¦Ò¤FCCNA´N¯à·í¦w¥þ¤uµ{®v¤~¦³°­¡C=.=
dasha Posted - 03/02/2011 : 16:32:52

Bryan C Posted - 03/02/2011 : 14:42:43
Because before Windows XP, Visio wasn't part of Microsoft---it was bought out by Microsoft in 2000. Visio came out in 1992, I have the 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 way back when.....
dasha Posted - 03/02/2011 : 14:01:35
Visio¤§Ãþªº°O±o¬OOffice XP¥H«á¤~®e©ö¦bOffice¥]¤¤§ä¨ì,«Ü¦h¾Ç®Õ¥u©È¨S¦³¸Ë§a?ÁÙ¦³¨Ç¬ü¤uªº¥ÎMac¤]¬O¨S³o­Ó,Mac¤W¦³¨ä¥L¤u¨ã°µ¦P¼Ëªº¨Æ±¡,¨ìWindows¤W¥L­Ì·|¥ÎPowerpoint°µ´N¤£¿ù¤F......¤p§Ì¤]¬O¦b2004¦~¤¤¤ß­n·h¾E®É¤~¾ÇVisioªº,Access¨ì²{¦bÁÙ¨S¾÷·|¾Ç......


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